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General Manufacturing Products

General Manufacturing is located in Melrose Park, IL. The plant is approximately 65 thousand square feet, employs highly skilled machinists and employees, contains over 60 modern CNC Machines. The company is led by a management team with extensive industry experience – over 50 years collectively. GM is a value-added provider of machining services for customers in markets such as but not limited to: locomotive, large diesel engines, hydrocarbon compression, oil patch, and fluid pumps.
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Item No. 1113-2501
Gen Stubby
Price $57.97
1 in stock
1 product(s) found

General Manufacturing Products

General Manufacturing is located in Melrose Park, IL. The plant is approximately 65 thousand square feet, employs highly skilled machinists and employees, contains over 60 modern CNC Machines. The company is led by a management team with extensive industry experience – over 50 years collectively. GM is a value-added provider of machining services for customers in markets such as but not limited to: locomotive, large diesel engines, hydrocarbon compression, oil patch, and fluid pumps.
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Price $57.97