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About LEHR

Thursday, January 4, 2024
Get to know LEHR: From our history, to our Mission, Vision and Core Values

Founded in 1945 by Irv Lehr after returning from WWII, LEHR Initially opened as an auto repair shop specializing in electric and carburetor repair. We quickly became the expert in auto electric repair earning the adage, “take it to LEHR”.

In the late 1990’s, LEHR entered the emergency vehicle equipment market. Overnight, LEHR became the preferred supplier of lights and sirens to numerous cities and counties throughout the United States of America.

We are guided by our ‘North Star’ as we work to uphold our Mission, Vision, and core values in every job we undertake:
  • At LEHR, our vision is to see every First Responder thoroughly equipped to respond to every emergency.
  • Our team's mission is to provide superior customer experience, supply only the best quality brands, and achieve the highest degree of workmanship in every vehicle we create with individual pride.
  • Core Values: 
    • Public Safety - We believe it’s our responsibility to provide safe, reliable, emergency vehicles and products to Public Servants across the nation.
    • Integrity - “Delivered as Promised,” we ARE your trusted partners for all the products and services we provide.
    • Quality – We value the quality of our products, our production, and our people.  We ARE the industry leaders. 
    • Service – We solve problems and create solutions with our experienced expert knowledgeable staff.
    • People – We value our employees, customers, and vendors.   
LEHR is the leader in Emergency Vehicle products and installation. Our years of experience in Police Upfitting, and our team of experts will ensure that your fleet has the equipment it needs to protect and serve your communities. Today, Lehr has locations in Reno, Sacramento, Pittsburg, Hayward, Anaheim and Salem, Oregon. Learn more about the services we provide, and reach out to speak with an expert here.